Sunday, 14 February 2021

Channel Nine gouges second slab out of airport peach

A great yarn. A story ripe for the picking. Once again, the publisher of Australia’s newspaper of record has allowed itself to indulge in a provocative bit of baiting of The Man, forging in the process a repeat of last weekend’s sidestep into regions near absurdity. Only difference between two relatively proximate sites of political speech being that now the actual dollar figures – landowner compensation gazetted by the government – are out there for value-sensitive, property-conscious Sydneysiders to contemplate. It’s $300 per square metre for land to be developed and $20 per square metre for land to be used for a “green” zone. This lady isn’t happy so you can guess what category her land is listed under.

Who’s she up against? Well, this guy for a start.

Maria lives in the area and Goliath works for the state government though Zucco looks like she weighs more than he does (the two chaps Channel Nine found to populate their week-earlier segment also being grossly overweight). Not short of a few bob, or else too frequently snacking on hot chips. Now might be a good time for the United Australia Party to field a candidate in Mulgoa. 

Though, maybe not. A staunch Liberal seat, which makes sense if you look slantwise at Channel Nine’s offering to viewers still dazzled by 6 January.

Time to beef up the attack on governments of all flavours. Isn’t the Liberal Party the party of small government? It’s almost as though Macquarie Street were in the process of putting pressure on the boffins inside the actual department who decide such things as compensation. 

Resolute, Channel Nine demands viewers watch a good 60 seconds of footage for a story that might’ve been adequately dealt with as a to-camera address by the TV anchor. Enough to just mention the previous story and add the dollar figures, which had been missing last time. Quite adequate in that guise without new talking heads to fill up half the screens in Sydney. 

Western Sydney Airport is a juicy fruit. Plenty of stories still to come, you can bet on that. And – for the TV station that brings you ‘The Block’ – what better angle to adopt as your very own than land values. Property as religion.

How much effort did it take to put together this Thursday night news segment? I think it could’ve been done just as effectively with far less.

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